Fair Share Pricing

At Clifton Cultural Arts Center, we believe that everyone has the right to access the arts and to express themselves. With Fair Share Pricing, we are simplifying the scholarship process by eliminating the need for a scholarship application. If you are unable to pay the FULL TUITION amount, you can simply choose one of the provided scholarship levels instead.

Classes may have 1–3 Scholarship Levels, as well as the FULL TUITION and a Supporter Level. You decide which level you can afford, and we will never ask for additional verification or paperwork. However, we have provided a handy calculator and table below to help you determine which Scholarship Level we suggest is appropriate for your situation.

If you are able to cover the tuition cost for a student in need, we encourage you to select the Supporter Level or make a donation upon checkout to ensure we always have funding for the Fair Share Pricing program.

If you have any questions, email us at info@cliftonculturalarts.org or call 513.497.2860.

Fair Share Pricing Calculator


We base the calculations on the Federal Poverty Level, which is updated yearly and based on the number of people in the household. Our suggestions are below:

Household Income Suggested Payment Level
Up to 125% of the Federal Poverty Level Scholarship Level III
Up to 175% of the Federal Poverty Level Scholarship Level II
Up to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level Scholarship Level I
Above 250% of the Federal Poverty Level FULL TUITION or Supporter Level

No, the choice of price level is always up to you. Every time you register for a Fair Share Pricing class, you will choose which price point you are able to pay at that time. You can even choose two different price points within the same order, if that is what makes sense for your current situation.

CCAC’s art education classes have value, both because of the benefits you receive and the time and resources that go into making these creative experiences possible. That is why we ask that every student pay something.

Typically the lowest price point available is just $5, but we are here to work with you if you need extra assistance. Contact our staff at (513)497.2860 or info@cliftonculturalarts.org.

Support for the Fair Shair Pricing program comes from the Gerald H. Fitzgerald Scholarship Fund and contributors like you. If you’d like to help support this program, visit cliftonculturalarts.org/donate and designate your gift for “Fair Share Pricing Scholarships.”